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Journal : J SIG (Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi)

GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS FOR POTENTIAL LANDSLIDE DISASTER AND MITIGATION AT TANJUNG KERAMAT AREA, GORONTALO Intan Noviantari Manyoe; Fauzul Chaidir A. Usman; Ivan Taslim; Mohamad Mokoginta; Siti Suhartini S. Napu; Tedy Harianto Salama; Muhammad Ridho Kayambo
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.296 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v3i1.543


Geological structures in the form of joints and faults have big role in landslide disaster. This study aims to analyze the geological structures using stereographic analysis and rosette diagrams and determine the potential landslides that can occur in the research location in order to identify landslide mitigation efforts in the research area. The method used in this research is field observations then followed by stereographic analysis and rosette diagrams, which are one of the diagrams of the presentation of orientation of the geological structures elements. The results showed that the mechanism of landslide mostly caused by the geological structures distribution in the Tanjung Keramat area, especially by joint distribution. Tension joints dominant direction relatively west as well as the slope direction. Stereographic analysis of the shear joints show the type of extensional stress directing relatively North-South. Potential types of landslide that can occur are wedge failures. Appropriate mitigation efforts are by reducing the slope angle and making structural retaining walls to withstand natural slopes and heaps high enough.
ANALISIS KESESUAIAN PENGGUNAAN LAHAN BERDASARKAN ARAHAN FUNGSI KAWASAN DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) ALO KABUPATEN GORONTALO (Analysis of The Suitability of Land Use Based on The Direction of The Function of The Area in Alo Basin in Gorontalo District) Ulfan R. Ake; Arthur Gani Koto; Ivan Taslim
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (976.078 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v1i1.118


Abstract - Determination of the function of the area is very important in order to preserve and prevent environmental damage, so as to improve the safety, prosperity, and comfort of life. The occurrence of landslide in Gorontalo regency partly from alo watershed area in pulubala subdistrict and tibawa sub-district has destroyed 221 houses, 31 houses were badly damaged and 628 people were injured. In addition, the factors causing avalanches in the alo watershed are slope, soil type, high rainfall and community land use. This study aims to: (1) map the main function of the area in alo watershed based on the decree of the minister of agriculture no. 837 / kpts / um / 11/1980 (2) analyze the suitability of land use in the alo watershed based on the main function of the region and present it in the form map. Method and analysis used in this research is scoring, overlay, and field survey. Based on the result of alo river basin analysis, there are 4 directives of the area function. The function of protected area covers 93.09 ha (0.40%), buffer area 4970.74 ha (21.13), annual cultivation area 3614.56 ha (15.37%), while the cultivation area annual crops and settlements have an area of 14,843.3 ha (63.10%). Most of the land use in the alo basin is said to be appropriate to the direction of the function of the area, where the land has an area of 18,566.6 hectares or 79.05% while the unsuitable land is 4,920.7 ha or 20.95% of the entire alo watershed. Keywords: land suitability, directed land functions, alo watershed, gorontalo Abstrak - Penetapan fungsi kawasan sangat penting guna menjaga kelestarian dan mencegah kerusakan lingkungan, sehingga dapat meningkatan keselamatan, kesejahteraan serta kenyamanan hidup. Kejadian longsor di Kabupaten Gorontalo sebagian dari wilayah DAS Alo yaitu berada di Kecamatan Pulubala dan Kecamatan Tibawa telah menghancurkan 221 buah rumah, 31 buah rumah di antaranya rusak parah, dan korban luka-luka sejumlah 628 orang. Selain itu yang menjadi faktor penyebab longsoran di DAS Alo diantaranya adalah faktor lereng, jenis tanah, curah hujan yang tinggi dan pemanfaatan lahan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Memetakan arahan fungsi utama kawasan di DAS Alo berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 837/Kpts/Um/11/1980 (2) Menganalisis kesesuaian penggunaan lahan di DAS Alo berdasarkan arahan fungsi utama kawasan dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk peta. Metode dan analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skoring, overlay, dan survey lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis DAS Alo memiliki 4 arahan fungsi kawasan yaitu Arahan fungsi kawasan lindung memilki luas 93.09 ha (0.40%), kawasan penyangga 4970.74 ha (21.13), kawasan budidaya tanaman tahunan 3614,56 ha (15,37%), sedangkan kawasan budidaya tanaman semusim dan pemukiman memilki luas sebasar 14.843,3 ha (63,10%). Sebagian besar pemanfaatan lahan di DAS Alo dikatakan sudah sesuai terhadap arahan fungsi kawasan, dimana lahan sesuai memilki luas 18.566,6 ha atau 79,05 % sedangkan lahan yang tidak sesuai 4.920,7 ha atau 20,95 % dari seluruh wilayah DAS Alo. Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, arahan fungsi lahan, daerah aliran sungai alo, gorontalo
DETEKSI PERKEMBANGAN LAHAN TERBANGUN KOTA GORONTALO BERDASARKAN CITRA LAST (LANDSAT, ASTER, & SENTINEL-2A) (Detection of the built-up area development in Gorontalo City Based on LAST (Landsat, ASTER, & Sentinel-2A) Imagery) Arthur Gani Koto; Ivan Taslim
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Edisi November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1550.092 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v1i2.177


Abstract – Built-up area is easily found in urban areas which is the most land use compared to other land use. The development of the built-up area has also increased with increasing population and increasing economic activity. Most of the population activities in the form of economy, services, trade, offices, education, health, and entertainment facilities that are centralized in urban areas have caused the availability of non-built-up area to shrink further. Detection of the built-up area can be assessed from remote sensing data using urban indices, multispectral classification (supervised and unsupervised classification), and spectral bands. This study aims to detect the built-up area based on multisensor and multitemporal imagery. Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 8, ASTER, and Sentinel-2B (LAST) images were used in this study. Digital image processing is performed on each image using the guided classification method support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. Four classes of land cover were taken, namely built-up area, vegetation, bare land, and water bodies. Samples of built-up area classes were taken as many as 31 random sampling points spread over the study area. Validation tests were carried out for each image based on the ground check. Results of the study showed that the development of the built-up area was directed to the north and the difference in the extent of information on the built-up area due to differences in spatial resolution. Keywords: built-up area, landsat, aster, sentinel, supervised classification, gorontalo Abstrak –Lahan terbangun mudah ditemukan di wilayah perkotaan yang merupakan penggunaan lahan paling banyak dibandingkan penggunaan lahan lainnya. Perkembangan lahan terbangun turut meningkat seiring pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan peningkatan aktivitas ekonomi. Sebagian besar aktivitas penduduk berupa ekonomi, jasa, perdagangan, perkantoran, pendidikan, kesehatan, dan sarana hiburan yang terpusat di wilayah perkotaan menyebabkan ketersediaan lahan non-terbangun kian menyusut pula. Deteksi lahan terbangun dapat dikaji dari data penginderaan jauh menggunakan indeks perkotaan (urban index), klasifikasi multispektral (supervised and unsupervised classification), dan saluran spektral (spectral bands). Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeteksi lahan terbangun berdasarkan citra multis-sensor dan multi-temporal. Citra landsat 5 TM, landsat 8, ASTER, dan sentinel-2B (LAST) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengolahan citra digital dilakukan pada masing-masing citra yang menggunakan metode klasifikasi terbimbing algoritma support vector machine (SVM). Sebanyak empat kelas tutupan lahan diambil, yaitu lahan terbangun, vegetasi, lahan terbuka dan tubuh air. Sampel kelas lahan terbangun diambil sebanyak 31 titik secara random sampling yang tersebar di wilayah penelitian. Uji validasi dilakukan untuk masing-masing citra berdasarkan ground check. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan lahan terbangun mengarah ke utara, dan perbedaan luasan informasi lahan terbangun yang disebabkan perbedaan resolusi spasial. Kata kunci: lahan terbangun, landsat, aster, sentinel, klasifikasi terbimbing, gorontalo
APLIKASI SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN KAWASAN STRATEGIS PARIWISATA PANTAI BILATO DI KABUPATEN GORONTALO (Geographic Information System Application for Strategic Tourism Development Areas of Bilato Beach in Gorontalo District) Elpin Ibrahim; Ivan Taslim; Ahmad Syamsu Rijal
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.52 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v1i1.91


Abstract - This study aims to create a concept or strategy for the development of Strategic Tourism Area of Bilato Beach located in Gorontalo Regency Gorontalo Province. The planning strategy for the development of Bilato Beach Strategic Area in this research is based on the questionnaire and interview method with the field survey. The results of the interview will be processed using SWOT analysis which further utilizes Geographic Information System (GIS) application with ArcGIS 10.1 device for mapping of tourism development of Bilato Beach. In the result of observation at research location and interview (questionnaire) processed with SWOT approach obtained information about research location, such as white sand along the coastal landscape with the calm sea (Strengths). It's just that as a tourist attraction Bilato Beach has lack of adequate facilities, lack of government attention to the manager both in terms of financial aid and tourism publication (Weaknesses). In terms of Opportunities, Bilato Beach can be a source of income and business community, it is also supported by the terms of affordability/accessibility is quite easy. However, Bilato Beach as a tourist spot also has threats such as community activities and visitors that can be damage the natural habitat at the research location and also the many tourist attractions that make the competition in attracting the tourists. The conclusion of this SWOT analysis result is that Bilato Beach which has been designated as Tourism Strategic Area in Gorontalo Regency according to Province Regulation of Gorontalo Regency No. 4, 2011 still has many shortcomings in terms of tourism facilities and government attention in terms of publication. Keywords: tourism, strategic development, gis, swot analysis, bilato beach, gorontalo Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat konsep atau strategi pengembangan Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Pantai Bilato yang berada di Kabupaten Gorontalo. Strategi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berdasarkan metode wawancara dan survai lapangan. Hasil dari wawancara akan diolah menggunakan analisis SWOT yang selanjutnya memanfaatkan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dengan perangkat ArcGIS 10.1 untuk pemetaan pengembangan wisata Pantai Bilato. Pada hasil observasi di lokasi penelitian dan wawancara (kuisioner) yang diolah dengan pendekatan SWOT diperoleh informasi tentang lokasi penelitian, diantaranya adalah pasir putih sepanjang bentang alam pantai dengan laut yang tenang (Kekuatan). Hanya saja sebagai tempat wisata Pantai Bilato memiliki kekurangan dari segi fasilitas yang memadai, tidak adanya perhatian pemerintah terhadap pengelola baik dari segi bantuan dana maupun publikasi wisata (Kelemahan). Dari segi Peluang, Pantai Bilato bisa menjadi sumber pendapatan dan usaha masyarakat, hal ini juga didukung oleh segi keterjangkauan yang cukup mudah. Meski demikian Pantai Bilato sebagai tempat wisata juga mempunyai Ancaman seperti aktifitas masyarakat dan pengunjung yang dapat merusak habitat alami di lokasi penelitian dan juga banyaknya tempat wisata yang menjadikan persaingan dalam menarik minat para wisatawan. Kesimpulan dari hasil analisis SWOT ini adalah bahwa Pantai Bilato yang sudah ditetapkan sebagai Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata di Kabupaten Gorontalo menurut PERDA Provinsi Gorontalo No. 4 Tahun 2011 masih memiliki banyak kekurangan dari segi fasilitas wisata dan perhatian pemerintah dalam hal publikasi. Kata kunci: pariwisata, strategi pengembangan, sig, analisis swot, pantai bilato, gorontalo
PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI WISATA ALAM SECARA SPASIAL DESA BONGO KECAMATAN BATUDAA PANTAI KABUPATEN GORONTALO (Spatial Natural Tourism Potential Development of Bongo District of Batudaa Pantai Gorontalo Regency) Titin Umi Rahayu; Ahmad Syamsu Rijal; Ivan Taslim
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (907.835 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v3i1.347


The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of spatial natural tourism potential and identification of Bongo torism potential using SWOT analysis. By usung a qualitative descriptive method and data source in the from of primary and secondary data. Primary data covering field observation, interview and secondary data covering the map of RBI 1: 25.000, satellite image of Google Maps and data of visitor number which then described by SWOT matrix. The result of this study indicate the Bongo village has good natural tourism potential to be developed, in terms of attractiveness with the hills are very beautiful types of taours that can be developed that is a natural panorama taour and outbound tourism other than that Bongo village has a Dulanga beach with coral reef and other merine biota with a decent tour to be developed that is snorkeling tour. As for supporting facilities and infrastructure of natural attractions Bongo village needs to be added in order to meet the needs of tourist who visit because wih adequate faciliteis and infrastructure can increase the number of tourists both local and foreign.
PENDUGAAN LAJU SEDIMENTASI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL USLE DI SUB DAS BIYONGA (Sedimentation Rate Estimation Using USLE Models In Biyonga Watershed) Sartika Moha; Ivan Taslim; Risman Jaya
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.201 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v3i1.559


Abstract - This research is conducted in the Subwatershed Biyonga area. The purpose of this research is to estimate the amount of sedimentation rate in Biyonga Sub-waters in the last five years from 2012 to 2016. A USLE model is used in this study to estimate the amount of sedimentation entering limboto lake. The results showed that for five years the Biyonga sub-watershed contributed Erosion of 5.870.145,93 ton/ha/year as well as the largest sedimentation of 1.402.507,01 ton/ha/years. This means that the results of Biyonga Sub-watershed needed more serious handling.  Keywords: Erosion, USLE, Sedimentation   ABSTRAK - Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Sub DAS Biyonga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menduga besarnya laju sedimentasi pada Sub DAS Biyonga dalam lima tahun terakhir dari tahun 2012 hingga 2016. Sebuah model USLE digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menduga besarnya sedimentasi yang masuk ke Danau Limboto. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa selama lima tahun Sub DAS Biyonga menyumbang Erosi sebesar 5.870.145,93 ton/ha/thn serta menymbang Sedimentasi terbesar yaitu sebanyak 1.402.507,01 ton/ha/thn. Artinya dari hasil tersebut Sub DAS Biyonga memerlukan penanganan yang lebih serius lagi. Kata Kunci: Erosi, USLE, Sedimentasi
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (825.119 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v1i1.87


Abstract – This study aims to analyze the development of tourist areas of Benteng Otanaha spatially by using SWOT and GIS analysis. Data obtained in the form of primary data include field observation, interviews, questionnaires, field documentation and secondary data in the form of data collection through document studies and literature study. The results of this study indicate that tourism in Benteng Otanaha in the cultural heritage area has good potential to be developed because it includes cultural preservation based on diversity, uniqueness and distinctiveness of culture and nature as well as human needs for a vacation. The development of Otanaha Fortress in the cultural heritage area requires follow up of local government and community, so it can be one of the tourist destinations in Gorontalo. Keywords: spatial development, swot analysis, gis, otanaha castle, cultural heritage, gorontalo Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengembangan kawasan wisata Benteng Otanaha secara spasial dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT dan SIG. Data yang diperoleh berupa data primer meliputi observasi lapangan, wawancara, kuesioner, dokumentasi lapangan dan data sekunder berupa pengambilan data melalui studi dokumen dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pariwisata di Benteng Otanaha di kawasan cagar budaya memiliki potensi yang sangat baik untuk dikembangkan karena meliputi pelestarian budaya berdasarkan keragaman, keunikan dan kekhasan budaya dan alam juga kebutuhan manusia untuk berlibur. Pengembangan Benteng Otanaha di kawasan cagar budaya memerlukan tindak lanjut dari pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat, sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata di Gorontalo. Kata Kunci: pengembangan spasial, analisis swot, sig, benteng otanaha, cagar budaya, gorontalo
IDENTIFIKASI POTENSI ALAM DESA DULANGEYA SEBAGAI KAWASAN WISATA MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS (Identification of the Natural Potential of Dulangeya Village as a Tourism Area Using Geographic Information Systems) Herman Saleh; Arthur Gani Koto; Ivan Taslim
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Edisi November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (654.041 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v1i2.173


Abstract - This research was conducted in Dulangeya Village, Botumoito District, Boalemo Regency. Dulangeya village is one of the villages in Botumoito Subdistrict that has natural resources (SDA) that deserve to serve as the object of natural tourist attraction. The natural potential is hot springs, mangroves and white sandy beaches based on the above objective of this research is to identify the natural potentials in Dulangeya village into tourist areas by utilizing GIS applications. Methods and data analysis used is the method of interview and field observation is a method that aims to determine the level of natural potential feasibility in Dulangeya village which will serve as a spatial analysis and scoring. The results of spatial analysis based on land cover map, slope map and geological map shows that Dulangeya village has land cover (primary mangrove forest, secondary mangrove forest, dryland farming, dryland farming mixed with shrubs / bushes), alluvium geology and granodiorite and slope which range between 2-5% and 5-15%. Meanwhile, based on scoring analysis for each criterion is attractiveness (94.44%), accessibility (70.83%), accommodation (33.33%) and facilities and infrastructure (70%). Based on the results of spatial analysis and scoring analysis shows that Dulangeya Village is one of the villages in Botumoito Subdistrict that has the potential of natural resources that deserve to be used as one of the natural attractions. Keywords: Nature Potential, Tourism, Dulangeya Village, GIS Abstrak - Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Dulangeya Kecamatan Botumoito Kabupaten Boalemo. Desa Dulangeya merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Botumoito yang memiliki Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) yang layak untuk dijadikan sebagai obyek daya tarik wisata alam. Potensi alam tersebut berupa sumber mata air panas, mangrove dan pesisir pantai berpasir putih berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi alam di Desa Dulangeya menjadi kawasan wisata dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi SIG. Metode dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara dan observasi yaitu metode yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan potensi alam di Desa Dulangeya yang akan dijadikan sebagai kawasan wisata dan dianalisis secara spasial dan skoring. Hasil analisis spasial berdasarkan peta tutupan lahan, peta lereng dan peta geologi menunjukan bahwa Desa Dulangeya memiliki tutupan lahan (hutan mangrove primer, hutan mangrove sekunder, pertanian lahan kering, pertanian lahan kering bercampur semak/belukar), tataran geologi aluvium dan granodiorit serta kemiringan lereng yang berkisar antara 2-5% dan 5-15%. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis skoring untuk setiap kriteria penilian adalah daya tarik (94,44%), aksesibilitas (70,83%), akomodasi (33,33%) serta sarana dan prasana (70%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis spasial dan analisis skoring menunjukkan bahwa Desa Dulangeya merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Botumoito yang memiliki potensi SDA yang layak untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu obyek wisata alam. Kata Kunci: Potensi Alam, Wisata, Desa Dulangeya, SIG
ANALISIS STRATIGRAFI DAERAH LEATO UTARA DAN SELATAN, KOTA GORONTALO (Stratigraphy Analysis of The North and South Leato Region, Gorontalo City) Ronal Hutagalung; Aang Panji Permana; Dewi Rahmawaty Isa; Ivan Taslim
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi (J SIG) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Edisi November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v4i2.1037


Daerah Leato Utara dan Selatan, Kota Gorontalo merupakan bagian selatan dari lengan utara Sulawesi. Kondisi geologi daerah penelitian sangat kompleks. Untuk itu penelitian ini sangat menarik dilakukan untuk mengetahui stratigrafi sehingga bisa diketahui rekonstruksi pembentukan daerah Leato Utara dan Selatan, Kota Gorontalo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis stratigrafi daerah Leato Utara dan Selatan, Kota Gorontalo. Tujuan tersebut akan dicapai menggunakan dua metode penelitian yakni survei lapangan berupa pemetaan geologi detail dan analisis laboratorium berupa analisis petrografi. Hasil dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada dua satuan geomorfologi, tiga satuan batuan serta tiga kontrol struktur geologi yang bekerja. Satuan granit menjadi satuan tertua yang terbentuk di laut dalam kemudian mengalami pengangkatan di atasnya diendapkan tidak selaras satuan breksi vulkanik dan satuan batugamping terumbu pada lingkungan laut dangkal.
ANALISIS SPASIO-TEMPORAL KEJADIAN DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE (DBD) DI KABUPATEN GORONTALO (Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dengue Health Fever (DBD) In Gorontalo District) Masrin Melangi; Arthur Gani Koto; Ivan Taslim
Jurnal Sains Informasi Geografi Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1823.67 KB) | DOI: 10.31314/jsig.v1i1.89


Abstract - This research was conducted in Kabupaten Gorontalo. The purpose of this research is to analyze data and information of DHF incidence in Kabupaten Gorontalo spasiotemporal. An ArcGIS 10.1 software was applied in this research to look at descriptive epidemiology which will be presented in the form of maps, and the tables will then be described in an overlap with DHF incidence data through geographic information systems (GIS). The results of this study indicate that in the last six years, from 2010 to 2016 Gorontalo District has DHF outbreaks in Limboto sub-district, then in 2013-2016 there are 9 sub-districts that have DHF outbreak of Telaga District, Telaga Jaya, Telaga Biru, West Limboto , Tilango, Tibawa, Bilato and Tabongo marked by an increase in cases every year in the Eastern Region of Gorontalo Regency precisely located in the area of Lake Limboto Area. if it is verified using Rainfall data, DHF incidence in Gorontalo District in 2011 until 2015 is not affected by rainfall but will be different from dengue fever case in 2016 which is influenced by high rainfall amount. Keywords: spatio-temporal, gis, dengue health fever, gorontalo Abstrak – Data dan informasi secara spasial dan temporal sangat berguna dalam upaya mengurangi jumlah kejadain DBD di setiap Daerah, dan Kabupaten Gorontalo belum memiliki informasi secara spasial dan temporal mengenai kejadian DBD, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis data dan informasi kejadian DBD di Kabupaten Gorontalo secara spasiotemporal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Gorontalo.Sebuah perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.1 diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini untuk melihat secara epidemiologi deskriptif yang disajikan dalam bentuk peta, dan tabel yang kemudian digambarkan secara tumpang susun dengan data kejadian DBD melalui sistem informasi geografis (SIG). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam enam tahun terakhir, sejak Tahun 2010 hingga Tahun 2016 Kabupaten Gorontalo mengalami KLB DBD di Kecamatan Limboto, kemudian pada tahun 2013-2016 terdapat 9 Kecamatan yang mengalami KLB DBD yakni Kecamatan Telaga, Telaga Jaya, Telaga Biru, Limboto Barat, Tilango, Tibawa, Bilato dan Tabongo yang ditandai oleh peningkatan kasus pada setiap tahun di Wilayah bagian Timur Kabupaten Gorontalo tepatnya berada di area Kawasan Danau Limboto. jika diverivikasi menggunakan data Curah Hujan, Kejadian DBD di Kabupaten Gorontalo pada tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2015 tidak dipengaruhi oleh jumlah Curah Hujan akan tetapi berbeda dengan kejadian DBD pada tahun 2016 yang justru dipengaruhi oleh jumlah Curah Hujan yang tinggi. Kata kunci: spasio-temporal, sig, demam berdarah dengue, gorontalo